Nolvaxyl KL

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Original price was: 613,06 Kč.Current price is: 514,97 Kč.

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30 tabs (20mg/tab)

Nolvaxyl KL , obsahující tamoxifen citrát, zvyšuje přirozenou produkci testosteronu s minimálním snížením estrogenu. Populární mezi sportovci pro svou bezpečnost a potenciální výhody pro růst svalů. Dávkování se liší podle cyklu a osobní citlivosti. Zatím žádné recenze.

Přidat recenzi

V oblasti sportu a kulturistiky je udržení zisků po steroidním cyklu zásadní výzvou, které čelí každý sportovec. Zde vstupuje do hry Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) a jedním z nejúčinnějších produktů PCT je Nolvaxyl KL , řešení na bázi tamoxifenu. V tomto komplexním průvodci se ponoříme do složitostí Nolvaxylu KL, jeho výhod, použití a proč je to oblíbená volba pro kulturisty po celém světě.

Pochopení Nolvaxyl KL

Nolvaxyl KL, also known as Tamoxifen Citrate, is an anti-estrogen medication primarily used to treat breast cancer. However, it has gained significant traction in the bodybuilding community due to its ability to restore natural testosterone production and combat estrogenic side effects during PCT.

Nolvaxyl KL is available in tablet form, containing 20mg of Tamoxifen Citrate each. It’s often packaged as Nolvadex D 20mg, a well-known brand by AstraZeneca, but generic versions like Nolvaxyl KL are equally effective and more affordable.

How Does Nolvaxyl KL Work?

Tamoxifen belongs to the Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM) class of drugs. It works by binding to estrogen receptors in various tissues, including breasts and muscles. However, its effects are tissue-specific:

  • Breast Tissue: Tamoxifen blocks estrogen’s effect, inhibiting breast cell growth and proliferation, which is crucial for preventing gynecomastia (enlarged male breasts) during steroid cycles.
  • Muscle Tissue: In muscle cells, tamoxifen acts as a weak estrogen agonist, stimulating anabolic activity. This can lead to increased protein synthesis and nitrogen retention, promoting muscle growth and preserving gains made during the cycle.

Moreover, Tamoxifen helps restore natural testosterone production by inhibiting the feedback mechanism that suppresses it. This is crucial for maintaining libido and overall well-being during PCT.

Benefits of Nolvaxyl KL in Post-Cycle Therapy

Integrating Nolvaxyl KL into your PCT regimen offers several benefits:

  • Prevents Gynecomastia: Nolvaxyl KL blocks estrogen’s effects on breast tissue, preventing or reversing gynecomastia.
  • Restores Natural Testosterone Production: By inhibiting the feedback mechanism that suppresses testosterone production, Nolvaxyl KL helps you recover your natural hormonal balance after a cycle.
  • Preserves Muscle Mass: Its weak estrogenic activity in muscle tissue promotes protein synthesis and nitrogen retention, helping maintain hard-earned gains during PCT.
  • Improves Libido: By restoring testosterone levels, Nolvaxyl KL also helps improve libido and overall sexual health.

Nolvaxyl KL: Dosage and Cycle Length

The standard Nolvaxyl KL dosage for PCT is 20-40mg daily, taken in divided doses (e.g., 20mg twice a day). This cycle length typically ranges from 4 to 8 weeks, depending on the duration and intensity of your previous steroid cycle:

  • Short cycles (up to 6 weeks): A 4-week Nolvaxyl KL PCT should suffice.
  • Moderate cycles (6-12 weeks): Consider an 8-week PCT with Nolvaxyl KL.
  • Long cycles (over 12 weeks): An extended 8-week PCT, followed by a second 4-week course of Nolvaxyl KL, may be beneficial.

It’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any PCT regimen to determine the optimal dosage and cycle length tailored to your specific needs.

Potential Side Effects and Interactions

While generally well-tolerated, Nolvaxyl KL can cause side effects in some users. Common ones include:

  • Hot flashes
  • Vaginal discharge (in women)
  • Irregular menstrual periods (in women)
  • Nausea, vomiting, or stomach cramps
  • Headache
  • Skin changes, such as darkening of the skin on your face or hands (melasma)

Moreover, Tamoxifen can interact with other medications. Notable interactions include:

  • Cytotoxic agents: Tamoxifen use with cytotoxic agents increases the risk of thromboembolic events.
  • CYP3A4 inducers (e.g., rifampicin): These drugs can reduce Tamoxifen levels, potentially diminishing its effectiveness.
  • CYP2D6 inhibitors (e.g., SSRIs like paroxetine): By inhibiting the metabolism of Tamoxifen, these medications can increase active metabolite levels.

Always consult your doctor or pharmacist before combining Nolvaxyl KL with other medications to avoid potential interactions.

Real-World Results: User Experiences with Nolvaxyl KL

To gain insights into the effectiveness of Nolvaxyl KL, we’ve gathered user experiences from various bodybuilding forums:

I just finished an 8-week PCT with Nolvaxyl KL after a 12-week test cycle. I kept most of my gains, and my libido is back to normal. No gyno issues either. Definitely recommend it! – John D.

I used Nolvaxyl KL for 4 weeks post-cycle, and it worked great for preventing gynecomastia. I felt my energy levels were back to normal within a couple of weeks too. – Mike L.

Nolvaxyl KL vs. Other SERMs: Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid)

When choosing a PCT product, you might come across Clomiphene Citrate, often referred to as Clomid. Here’s how Nolvaxyl KL compares:

PropertyNolvaxyl KL (Tamoxifen)Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid)
Estrogen Blocking in Breast TissueStrongModerate
Weak Estrogenic Activity in Muscle TissueYesNo
HepatotoxicityLowModerate to High

The choice between Nolvaxyl KL and Clomid ultimately depends on your personal preferences, risk tolerance, and specific PCT needs. Both products have their merits and can be effective in managing post-cycle hormonal imbalances.

Incorporating Nolvaxyl KL into Your Post-Cycle Therapy Regimen

For optimal results, consider incorporating Nolvaxyl KL as part of a comprehensive PCT regimen that may include other supportive supplements like:

  • Inhibitors (e.g., Arimidex or Letrozole) for estrogen control during the initial phase of PCT.
  • Testosterone boosters (e.g., Tribulus Terrestris) to support natural testosterone production.
  • Fatty acid supporters (e.g., Fish Oil, EPA, and DHA) to promote overall health and well-being.

Ideální PCT plán by měl být přizpůsoben vašim jedinečným potřebám, s ohledem na délku a intenzitu vašeho předchozího steroidního cyklu. Před zahájením jakéhokoli léčebného režimu po cyklu se vždy poraďte s kvalifikovaným zdravotnickým pracovníkem.


Nolvaxyl KL , produkt na bázi tamoxifenu, je nezbytným nástrojem pro kulturisty, kteří si chtějí udržet své těžce vydělané zisky a obnovit přirozenou hormonální rovnováhu po steroidním cyklu. Jeho silné estrogen-blokující vlastnosti, spojené s jeho slabou estrogenní aktivitou ve svalové tkáni, z něj činí neocenitelnou výhodu v postcyklové terapii. Pochopením výhod, správného použití a potenciálních vedlejších účinků přípravku Nolvaxyl KL můžete činit informovaná rozhodnutí o svém režimu PCT.

Pamatujte, že každé tělo reaguje na doplňky a léky jinak. Před zahájením jakéhokoli nového doplňku nebo režimu PCT se vždy poraďte s kvalifikovaným zdravotnickým pracovníkem, abyste se ujistili, že je vhodný pro vaše jedinečné potřeby a zdravotní profil.

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Nolvaxyl KL
Nolvaxyl KL

Original price was: 613,06 Kč.Current price is: 514,97 Kč.

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